ART I & II-Period 4 (2023-2024)

Course Description

Art I & II course will provide students an opportunity to explore the field of creative art through line drawing, design, painting and printmaking through various media including graphite, ink, charcoal, pastel, and paint. Emphasis will be on effort, following directions, meeting deadlines, presentation, and creativity. UC requirements, Common Core, and State Standards are met in this course.

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Collaborative GRID METHOD Poster in Google Classroom

Collaborative GRID METHOD Poster

The GRID METHOD can be used to transfer or enlarge drawings from a photo. Using a grid from a photograph allows students to create accurate and proportional drawings. Students will focus on their observational skills while incorporating the mathematical skills of measuring, drawing straight lines, and proportion in their art. For this project, students will create a collaborative class poster using the GRID METHOD that will be displayed in Fine Arts Night. Students will use the grid method to collaboratively recreate a picture that improves observational drawing skills.